Insomnia Monster is a short animation teaser about a woman who suffers from insomnia, which take the form of monsters, physically holding her eyes open so that she cannot fall asleep.  Directed, Designed, and Edited by Betty Kelly
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Insomnia Monster_still3.jpg
 Insomnia Monster is a short animation teaser about a woman who suffers from insomnia, which take the form of monsters, physically holding her eyes open so that she cannot fall asleep.  Directed, Designed, and Edited by Betty Kelly

Insomnia Monster is a short animation teaser about a woman who suffers from insomnia, which take the form of monsters, physically holding her eyes open so that she cannot fall asleep.

Directed, Designed, and Edited by Betty Kelly

Insomnia Monster_still4.jpg
Insomnia Monster_still3.jpg
Insomnia Monster