Insomnia Monster is a short animation teaser about a woman who suffers from insomnia, which take the form of monsters, physically holding her eyes open so that she cannot fall asleep.  Directed, Designed, and Edited by Betty Kelly
 Set Designer for  Blonde Poison,  a thought-provoking, one-woman play based on the true story of Stella Goldschlag, a Jewish woman who worked for the Gestapo.  Director: Robert Chevara  Starring: Dulcie Smart  German Premiere: September 21, 2018 at
 Betty Kelly created American Trauma, a sound and video installation, to explore the indelible link between the American Identity and Gun Culture.    The installation, a 1960’s family room built almost entirely out of cardboard, is comprised of four
   Spotlight on!    (Parkaue im Prater):  concept model for the children’s theater  Theater An der Parkaue  and it’s residency at the  Prater  theater in Prenzlauerberg, Berlin.
 Stage Designer and Builder for the short film “Miss Ellis Island” directed by Emma Berliner.
 Assorted Graphic Design elements for the film “Fette Kumpelz” filmed in Berlin in 2017.  Director: Carsten Regel